
Multiplication of the tinniwell sales

Egnach, June 3, 2024 – After the countries of Switzerland, Austria and Germany are opened up, the tinniwell is introduced in the Britain and France markets. With an average number of approx. 15% tinnitus affected by the population, there is a market potential of around 20 million patients. This means more than double the sales… View Article
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Demand for tinniwell increases by approx. 10% every month

Egnach, February 6, 2024 – Since August 2023, demand for the tinnitus therapy device tinniwell has been increasing by an average of 10% per month. The COVID wave, which began in the summer of 2023, is considered to be the cause. The flattening of the waves described by experts at the beginning of the pandemic… View Article
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Ninth series of tinniwell produced for the European market

Egnach, January 25, 2024 – After the introduction of tinniwell 2.0 with its improved features, sales are steadily increasing. The production time for individual series could be reduced significantly. This is no longer 12-18 months, but currently a maximum of one month. Product innovations can now also be implemented within series and do not require… View Article
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Brain implant against tinnitus does not come

Egnach, October 17, 2023 – The brain implant against tinnitus announced by the Neuralink company does not come now. Research is focused on the area of paralysis and now begins with the clinical study after receiving the permission of the US drug authority (FDA). Commercial use will then be available in 10 years at the… View Article
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Increasing the inear temperature shows a clear effect

Egnach, August 15, 2023 – In the new tinniwell series, the maximum temperature of the in-ear headphones has been increased by 3 degrees. It has now been observed in daily practice that patients go through the 4-phase model more quickly. This is structured as follows: Phase 1: Tinnitus gets louder Phase 2: Tinnitus goes away… View Article
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First series of tinniwell produced for the Chinese market

Roggwil, May 9, 2023 – The first series of the tinnitus therapy device tinniwell for the Asian market was produced in record time and will be delivered this month. The management of Resaphene is currently negotiating with other medical technology distributors about the granting of additional country licenses. Since the markets no longer have to… View Article
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Contract signed for exclusive distribution of the tinniwell in China

Roggwil, April 2, 2023 – On March 31, 2023, an exclusive sales partnership was signed with one of the largest medical technology distributors in China. This market with 1.4 billion inhabitants is probably the most interesting sales market worldwide, since 37 million new infections were counted there every day due to the lifted COVID restrictions…. View Article
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tinniwell is the market leader in the field of tinnitus therapy

Roggwil, February 8, 2023 – A market survey based on Google data revealed that tinniwell has become the market leader in the core market. With a market share of 36.73 % in January 2023, all other therapies were distanced. The further expansion of this market leadership is foreseeable, since 2 competitors each ceased their activities… View Article
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Demand for tinniwell increases by 76%

Roggwil, November 7, 2022 – In October, the tinniwell exceeded the 1,000 marks for the first time; it was exactly 1,085. That was an increase of 76% within a year. The reason for this is that the number of patients with the long-COVID consequence tinnitus has increased explosively. The current mutation BQ.1.1 cannot be stopped… View Article
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Cerebral blood flow affects the severity of tinnitus

Roggwil, September 26, 2022 – A research series at the University of Illinois has investigated the connection between tinnitus and blood flow in the brain using magnetic resonance imaging. It could be proven that the severity of tinnitus depends on the blood flow in two brain regions (in the precuneus and in the cingulate cortex)…. View Article
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FDA approval process for tinnitus therapy tinniwell continues

Roggwil, July 13, 2022 – Due to the COVID pandemic, work for the FDA approval of the tinniwell was stopped at the beginning of 2021. This has now been resumed and Chief Medical Officer Thomas Rauterkus has been commissioned to manage the project. The aim is to complete this project within 12 months and thus… View Article
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Long COVID multiplies sales of the tinniwell

Roggwil, May 2nd, 2022 – Due to the explosive increase in tinnitus patients after a COVID recovery, sales of the tinniwell have increased significantly. A marked increase in the number of patients in counseling was noted last year. This subjective finding was supported by a meta-study from the University of Manchester, which found tinnitus as… View Article
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Framework contract concluded for the delivery of 2,000 tinniwells

Roggwil, March 7th, 2022 – After a successful test of the first devices delivered by a second contract manufacturer, a framework agreement was concluded for the delivery of 2,000 tinniwell units. The framework agreement has a term of 36 months and the first delivery of 500 units will begin in June 2022. ++ About Resaphene… View Article
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2. Contract manufacturer produces 6th series of the tinniwell

Roggwil, February 28, 2022 – As already announced in January 2022, the expansion of the production of the tinniwell is being worked on at full speed. The production of the tinniwell will start this week at another contract manufacturer. The background is to ensure patient care with the tinniwell. After delivery of this series, a… View Article
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Production capacities are expanded – Tinnitus is a common consequence of a COVID-19 infection

Roggwil, January 2, 2022 – According to an analysis of case reports and cross-sectional studies by the International Journal of Audiology, 15% of patients complain of tinnitus or worsening of their pre-infection tinnitus after a COVID-19 infection. Further consequences can be vertigo and vertigo attacks. These symptoms are believed to be caused by inflammation in… View Article
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tinniwell is very effective in migraine patients

Roggwil, October 25, 2021 – Based on patient feedback, we can report that the tinniwell with its patented heat therapy has a very good effect on migraine patients. 30 – 60 minutes before the aura occurs, the person concerned has treated their tinnitus with the tinniwell. The patients report that in these cases the aura… View Article
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Due to high sales, the 5th series of the tinniwell is produced earlier

Roggwil, July 26, 2021 – In 2021, sales of the tinniwell are expected to at least double. In order to meet the high demand, the start of production of the 5th series was brought forward in July. This was originally planned for late autumn this year. The supply with the system is thus secured in… View Article
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tinniwell 2.0 goes into production

Roggwil, May 6, 2021 – Development of a successor to today’s tinniwell has been ongoing since May 2020. The new device will be much smaller and come in a more modern design. The production of the board has already started: Despite the current tense situation with regard to the availability of electronic components on… View Article
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New packaging for the tinniwell

Roggwil, February 2, 2021 – In October 2020, work began on a new packaging for the tinniwell. This became necessary because the old model was too time-consuming to equip due to the increased sales figures. The new packaging is much more stable than the previous version and our product is presented to the customer in… View Article
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FDA approval process changed

Roggwil, December 16, 2020 – For the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization process, the 510 (k) authorization process (Premarket Notification Submissions) has been changed to the Article 513 (g) authorization process. This step became necessary because in the process according to 510 (k) no remotely comparable products were identified on the American market…. View Article
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Study on tinniwell delayed due to COVID-19

Roggwil, November 12, 2020 – The study on tinniwell agreed with the Charité in Berlin cannot currently be started due to the pandemic situation. There is currently still no return to unrestricted face-to-face research. As soon as the study can be started, we will publish it here immediately. ++ About Resaphene Suisse AG Resaphene Suisse… View Article
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Production of the 4th series of the tinniwell started

Roggwil, November 10th, 2020 – Sales of the tinnitus therapy device tinniwell have multiplied in 2020 compared to last year. The 3rd series was delivered last month and due to the high demand, production of the 4th series has now started. The reason for this development is, on the one hand, the high rate of… View Article
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Tinnitus: 4 phases until healing in the Tailor-Made Notched Music Training (TMNMT) discovered with tinniwell

The studies in the field of tinnitus research are extremely poor. An article in the Medical Tribune Germany dated November 30, 2019 rightly complains that too little research is being done in the area of ​​tinnitus and that patients feel let down by medicine. A particularly bad testimony is given to cognitive behavioral therapy, which… View Article
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Work on FDA approval of tinniwell started

Roggwil, May 15, 2020 – In order to launch tinniwell in the USA, Resaphene Suisse AG, ISIN CH0367465439, WKN A2JG91, has now officially started the FDA approval project. In the first phase of the project, a regulatory pathway will be created to explore the approval options. Resaphene US LLC in Delaware has been designated as… View Article
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Resaphene Suisse AG announces the cancellation of the securitization of the shares

Roggwil, April 28, 2020 – In May 2020, Resaphene Suisse AG, ISIN CH0367465439, WKN A2JG91, will have the securitization of the shares in sight deposit custody canceled. After the shares have been booked from the custody accounts of the investors, they can request a physical share certificate from the company with the last custody account… View Article
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Resaphene Suisse AG has announced the withdrawal of inclusion in the Vienna MTF at the Vienna Stock Exchange

Roggwil, March 31, 2020 – Resaphene Suisse AG, ISIN CH0367465439, WKN A2JG91, notified the withdrawal of inclusion in the Vienna MTF at the Vienna Stock Exchange on March 30th, 2020 in accordance with § 10 of the conditions for the operation of the Vienna MTF and the last one Trading day will be April 30th,… View Article
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Charité Ethics Committee in Berlin approves study on tinniwell tinnitus therapy

Roggwil, January 21, 2020 – The Charité’s ethics committee has approved the double-blind study on the tinnitus therapy device tinniwell with Resaphene Suisse AG, ISIN CH0367465439, WKN A2JG91. A total of 60 people took part in the study and the head is Prof. Dr. med. Birgit Mazurek commissioned. The results are expected for Q4 /… View Article
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Expansion to North America

In order to launch the Tinniwell in the USA, Resaphene founded the new national company Resaphene US LLC. The responsible director was Thomas Rauterkus. In his area of responsibility is also the approval procedure with the competent authority US Food and Drug Administration.
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Resaphene Suisse AG announces patent on tinniwell

Resaphene Suisse AG was informed after the hearing at the European Patent Office about the forthcoming grant of the patent. As a next step, the Board also expects to complete the patent process in the US. In February 2019, management will introduce tinnitus therapy in the US and drive expansion there. A decision whether a… View Article
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Tinniwell receives patent in the US

The Resaphene has received the patent grant notice from the US Patent Authority. Now the only tinnitus therapy with proof of efficacy on the market in the two target regions Europe and the US is protected.
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Tinniwell is paid by health insurances

Good news for tinnitus patients: The tinnitus therapy device tinniwell is paid by health insurances in Switzerland and Germany. After approval by an expert physician, the tinniwell is already taken over by Helsana and Swica, depending on the tariff of the patients. In Germany, depending on the tariff of the insured person, the full purchase… View Article
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Cooperation with GEHE Pharma Handel

In the future, the group company Resaphene will cooperate with GEHE Pharma Handel in the distribution of the tinnitus therapy device Tinniwell. From August 2018, the Tinniwell will be introduced in the 800 top-selling pharmacies in Germany. In total, GEHE has a network of 7,000 pharmacies that can be reached. This is another step towards… View Article
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Resaphene Suisse AG completes IPO

On 21.06.2018, Resaphene Suisse AG completed its IPO on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the Third Market segment. This step was necessary to give institutional investors the opportunity to invest. The reference price was set at 516.50 euros. This completes the process of changing strategy in the area of ​​financing. This was started in the… View Article
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Test winner: tinniwell convinces in a comparison test of tinnitus therapy systems

In a comparison test of three digital tinnitus therapy systems performed by the health portal, tinniwell was able to beat out the competition of Tinnitracks and Tinnitus Pro. Among other things, the scope of functions, price / performance ratio and service were evaluated. In all relevant areas, tinniwell convinced the testers, also and above all… View Article
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New national company at Resaphene

In order to open up the UK, Ireland and, later, the USA markets for the tinnitus therapy device tinniwell, Resaphene UK Ltd. founded in London. In addition, this country-based venture capital and private equity firm will facilitate an investment in the company, as these investments can be written off in a tax-efficient manner.
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Application observation with tinnitus treatment device tinniwell successfully finished

In the period from October 2016 to July 2017 in the ENT specialist practice of Dr. med. Johannes Ebbers informed all patients with chronically decompensated tinnitus about the “Tinniwell” treatment device and invited to participate in the application observation. All patients underwent an oto-neurological examination using ear microscopy, tone threshold audiometry, videonystagmography, oriented clinical-neurological examination,… View Article
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Tinniwell fits very well into my everyday life. It can be used almost anywhere and is also a good companion when traveling due to its handy size. My tinnitus has completely disappeared from my left ear. My quality of life has improved significantly. I’m rarely irritable and much more relaxed.

Lisa Neumeier

I am a trainee and have been suffering from ear noises for about a year. However, since I am only 18 years old, I could not and did not want to accept that this tone will remain for the rest of my life. Then I learned about tinniwell from a friend and tried it out directly.

After the first week of therapy, I was able to sleep again, relax and work fully again at my training place. 6 weeks after the first application, I can deal with my tinnitus very well, because it is about 40% quieter than before the therapy.

Anna Bergmann


After four days I no longer had a whistle in my right ear, the left ear then continued for another two weeks until there was an improvement.

I am so happy now that tinniwell has given me a better quality of life. I sleep through again, can now devote myself more to my family and I have more energy for my independence.

Jonny Denaro


I can recommend this holistic effective world first, to every tinnitus sufferer. Thank you again for the excellent and friendly service.

Werner Eisele

Sonja Dinnebier

"With tinniwell my tinnitus has almost completely disappeared. The combination of music and warmth is great, because it not only drowns out the noise, but the warmth in particular ensures relaxation and balance. "

Karin Baldauf

"The tinniwell is a great invention for people who suffer from tinnitus. For me more quality of life again. "

Werner Eisele

"I can recommend this holistic effective world first, to every tinnitus sufferer. Thank you again for the excellent and friendly service. "